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TDS meter Primato YP - 1

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TDS meter is perfect for measuring aquarium, RO and softener water quality. Yellow colour

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What is a TDS meter?

  • TDS means Total Dissolved Solids.
  • Measures the concentration of metals, salts, cations or anions but also organic matter dissolved in water. In essence, what is in the water except the water itself (H2O) and the suspended particles that have not dissolved in the water. It is actually a conductivity meter that measures how easy the current passes into the water. It estimates total dissolved solids in ppm - parts per million.
  • How it works: In reality, it does not directly measure dissolved solids, but positive or negatively charged particles, so it estimates how many they are. Acceptable drinking water limits in US are 500ppm. Do not drink water with over 1000ppm.
  • In the water cycle it is normal for the organic and inorganic substances to dissolve . Organics can be derived from deciduous trees, from the effluent of the living organisms that live in it and of course human waste. Inorganics come from the rocks where water flows, the air that comes in contact, lead or copper itself from the water pipes, hexavalent chromium, and pesticides used mainly in rural areas.
  • What is considered to be soft or hard water: Soft water: 0-75 ppm, Medium hardness: 75-150 ppm, Hard water: 150-300 ppm, Very hard: 300 + pmm

How we use it:

  • It is important for aquarium owners to know the quality of the water for obvious reasons. Especially some species of fish do not stand to live in water with high conductivity. For holders of reverse osmosis systems, it is important to know when to replace their cartridges.
  • If the ppm at the water outlet start to be more than old measurements, or even if the ppm at the water outlet is more than the water inlet, then the filters or the osmosis membrane need to be changed.
  • Ideal if you are thinking of installing a water softener in your home or cafeteria (café - bars - hotels, etc)

Technical info:

  • Large and easy-to-read LCD.
  • Includes carry case.
  • Range: 0 to 999 ppm.
  • Analysis: 1 ppm
  • Accuracy: +/- 2%
  • Power: 2 x 1.5V batteries (included)
  • Battery life: over 1000 hours of continuous use.
  • Dimensions: 15.5 x 3.1 x 2.3cm (6.1 x 1.25 x 1 inches) Weight (with case): Weight with case: 76.5g Weight without the case: 56.7g

Important Information:

Water hardness is measured in mg / l or parts per million (ppm) as well as in French, German or English degrees. 1 ppm = 0,1ºf (French degrees) = 0,0556 ºd (German dergrees) = 0,07 ºe (English degrees). So obviously 1ºf (French grade) = 10 ppm If we divide ppm of water by 10, then we have the number of water hardness with a very slight deviation of 2-3ºf French. See the table below to know how soft or hard the water is in your area:
ppm μS/cm f (french degrees) Water Quality
0-70 0-140 0-7 Very soft water
70-150 140-300 7-15 Soft water
150-250 300-500 15-25 A bit hard water
250-320 500-640 25-32 Hard enough water
320-420 640-840 32-42 Hard water
>420 >840 >42 Very hard water

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