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Tap water filter with AquaMetix® 2μm with Zeolite and carbon block Primato USA-TF-GG

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Enjoy your home's water and Protect your Family with the top-quality Primato USA-TF-GG Faucet Water Filter! It connects very easily to your kitchen faucet and instantly provides 100% safe and crystal-clear water. With a turn of the switch, you can enjoy filtered, tasty, and perfectly clean water, or unfiltered water for washing dishes.

Includes the AquaMetix® TF replacement filter which is made in the USA and reduces chlorine, nitrates, lead, aluminum, copper, arsenic, coliform bacteria and many other harmful substances. It lasts for 1500 liters or 4-6 months.

The equipment is assembled in Greece. has ISO 9001:2015 certification for water filter manufacturing management.

European Certification EN-ISO 14898

The replacement filter prevents the growth of microbes

10-year warranty.

Free courier shipping throughout Greece.

  • Shipping Cost

10 reasons to buy the Primato USA-TF-GG tap water filter

  1. Manufacturing quality: The replacement cartridge is made in the USA and all the equipment is assembled in Greece. Our company is ISO 9001:2015 certified for the assembly of water filters. 
  2. 10-year warranty for peace of mind: The filter comes with a 10-year warranty on all plastic parts. 
  3. Easy operation: Choose between filtered water or unfiltered water to wash dishes.
  4. Easy installation: Easily connects to your kitchen faucet. Installation usually takes 1'.
  5. Prevents the growth of microbes: The Aquametix® replacement filter prevents bacteria growth. 
  6. Compatible with most faucets: Fits most commercial faucets, except shower-type faucets (those that extend outward like a shower).
  7. Includes replacement filter: Included in the package is the AquaMetix® TF replacement filter manufactured in the USA by Ceramic Filters Company Inc., one of the world's largest manufacturers of quality water filters.
  8. Very powerful filtration: AquaMetix® TF replacement filter reduces chlorine, nitrate, lead , aluminum, copper, arsenic, coliforms, etc. and is certified by European standard EN-ISO 14898. The filter material is certified by NSF.
  9. Long life and durability of the replacement filter: The replacement filter is replaced every 1500L or 4-5 months.
  10. Long lifetime of the housing: The housing is fully repairable. We make the housing in such a way that whatever damage is caused to the device, you can very easily and quickly repair it yourself. We have all the components of the device as spare parts. So you don't have to worry if you accidentally break or damage something, and above all you won't have to buy a new device if you break something.

The benefits of the filter at a glance

Kitchen Faucet Water Filter

Distinctive size. Industrial gray color. 

Easy to install on your faucet.

Top filtration with zeolite and solid activated carbon.

10 year warranty.

Change spare filter every 1500L or every 4-5 months.

The replaceable filter prevents the growth of germs.

Easy to use

filtered water from the tap filter

When the water dispenser is in this position, then the water flows filtered by the filter.

Filtered water is passed through a high quality water saving filter.

unfiltered tap water

When the water diverter is in this position, then water flows from your faucet.

The diverter has a small water saving filter.

The AquaMetix® TF cartridge

aquametix tf water filter

The AquaMetix® TF included in the package reduces chlorine, nitrates, lead, aluminum, copper, arsenic, coliforms and many other harmful substances.

Made in the USA with raw materials of the highest FDA specifications, cutting edge technologies and unprecedented performance.

Capacity 1500 liters or 4-5 months.


  • The equipment complies with the Greek Official Gazette 4973/B/2020 - "Specifications and requirements for the equipment (devices or devices) for the treatment of water for human consumption supplied to the internal water supply networks of buildings".
  • European standard EN-ISO 14898 certification.
  • Primato maintains complete technical documentation for the equipment.
  • The manufacture and assembly of the final product is done by our company. Primato is certified to the ELOT EN ISO 9001:2015 standard with scope of application "Manufacturing, Assembly, Trading & Distribution of water filters".

Technical Specifications:

  • Maximum operating pressure 4.5 bar.
  • Recommended operating pressure 2.5 - 3.5 bar.
  • Maximum resistance pressure 6 bar.
  • Operating temperature range: 50 C – 290 C
  • Maximum water flow rate: 3 L / min. Higher flow may reduce the expected capabilities of the filter.
  • Recommended water flow rate: 2 L / min.
  • The equipment must operate in a water supply network controlled by competent authorities for the quality of water for human consumption.
  • Maximum operating conductivity 500 m/cm2.
  • Pressure reduction: up to 0.2bar @ 3 L/m

A few words about activated carbon

coconut shell carbon

The activated carbon in AquaMetix® TF is a completely natural product that visually resembles a fine, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic black powder. It is produced from the husk of the coconut so as a material it is very ecological and environmentally friendly. It is heated in a controlled environment and in a vacuum to obtain its characteristic porous surface. These tiny holes, or pores, can increase the carbon surface area from 500 to 1500 m2/gr. Due to this processing, it can and binds various substances that come into contact with it, in liquid or even gaseous form, and in quantities many times its weight. One cubic centimeter of activated carbon has the same area as a surface of 50,000 square meters. AquaMetix® contcombines coconut activated carbon with Zeolite and its permeability is 2μm.

A few words about Zeolite

Zeolite in water filters

Zeolite is a mineral of volcanic origin that, due to its special chemical property, is used in the water treatment industry, environmental protection, crops, agriculture, etc. It was so named in 1756 by the Swedish mineralogist Axel Kronstedt, who observed that rapidly heating stilbite produced a large amount of steam from the water that had been absorbed by the material. So he named this material zeolite, from zeo (boil) and stone.

It contains a significant amount of clinoptilolite and is also used in nuclear processing, as it can clean up nuclear waste containing radioactive isotopes. One of its most important functions is its ability to bind and eliminate heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum and excess iron without removing healthy ions and minerals.

Ceramic Filters Company Inc. who manufactures the AquaMetix® TF replacement filter in the USA, has managed to combine activated carbon with Zeolites to achieve superior filtration and long life.

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"How do I choose the right cartridge for my water filter?"

Below the "Add to cart" button you can click on "HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT FILTER". A text will appear on your screen summarizing the functions of available replacement filters for this water filter. Other replacement filters fit into your housing as well, but because there are a lot, we only recommend specific filters.

Also, just below the product description, you will see the available cartridges. If you click on the quick view "eye" you will see a summary of the specific cartridge. If you click on the image, you will be taken to the cartridge page where you can see more details. If you have not yet decided which replacement filter is right for your water filter, simply contact us! We will be happy to assist you!

"Should I install a filter on the counter or under the kitchen counter?"

This depends on your needs and the available space in your kitchen. Generally speaking, the countertop filters can be installed in seconds, but they take up space on the kitchen counter. Under-sink filters do not require space on the bench, but they need skilled hands for installation or even a plumber.

"I do not know if I need a single, double or triple filter"

If you are having problem with your water's bad taste and odour, then you need a single filter. But if you also have a lot of dirt in your water, then you need a double filter - the first stage will be a filter for reducing mud and the second one an activated carbon filter for reducing chemicals. But if you have 3 problems (eg hard water, mud and bad taste), then you need a triple filter, one for the reduction of scale, one for the mud and one for improving taste and reducing chemicals. If you use drilling water then you need a reverse osmosis filter. Whatever problem you are facing with your water, if you are not sure, just contact us! We will be glad to find the right water filter!

"How do I remember when to change my cartridge?"

Forget abou it! When it's time to change your cartridge, we'll call you or email you to remind you!

"If some part of the filter breaks, do you have spare parts?"

We have all the parts you may need for your water filer.

"What does the warranty include?"

In order for the warranty to be valid, you must maintain the filter correctly (of course it's not valid if you break it yourself and you should use the cartridges displayed in our website. If you clean your water filter internally every time you change the filters and if you change the filters at the scheduled time, your water filter should last for many, many, many years. If, however, your water filter has a problem of our own fault, (even if it was damaged during transportation) , we immediately take it back at our own expense and send a new one as soon as possible.

"I have lost the wrench and can not unscrew the device to change the cartridge"

We have all the parts you may need for your water filter, including the wrench. Feel free to contact us for assistance.

"I can't or I don't want to order electronically. Is there any other way?"

Of course! Just call us at +30 2310 383 588 and we'll take your order over the phone!

"I want to pay using my credit/debit card, but I do'nt have good computer knowledge."

No problem! Just call us at +30 2310 383 588 while you are on your computer and we will help you order online step by step.

"How long does the courier need to deliver the products to my house?"

Click on the "SHIPPING AND PAYMENT COSTS" located under the product's price for details.

"What if my water's quality changes?"

Contact us to find the right filter for you or browse our website to check all the available cartridges.

"Who will install the filter?"

Each water filter includes instructions in case you want to install the water filter yourselves. We've also made installation videos. You will find them on the product page you are interested in. Of course our experienced technicians are always on duty and at your disposal if you need assistance!

Καίτη Χ
Πρακτικό, οικονομικό και αποτελεσματικό. Η δοκιμή και η χρήση με έπεισε.
Νερό χωρίς μυρωδιές
Παντελής Μπέττας
Απόλυτα ευχαριστημένος, ταίριαξε απόλυτα στην κουζίνα μου και το μέγεθος της συσκευής είναι τόσο όσο , κάτι που την καθιστά πολύ εύχρηστη και με πεντακάθαρο νερό.
Ιώαννα Μ.
Τα κάνει και όλα και συμφέρει. Δεν πιάνει χώρο.
Δεν μυρίζει το νερό καθόλου χλώριο
Φοβερά βολικό, οικονομικό και αποτελεσματικό
Η γεύση του νερού είναι όπως πρέπει
Πανεύκολο στην χρήση και πολύ βολικό καθώς εφαρμόζει πάνω στην βρύση εύκολα και δεν πιάνει χώρο, πριν το πάρω είχα αμφιβολίες για το αποτέλεσμα αλλά αφού δοκίμασα τον νερό έχει φοβερή διαφορά ,πάρα πολύ καλό για τα λεφτά του.
J jennh
μικρό και πρακτικό
Εξαιρετικό φίλτρο η διαφορά φάνηκε από τη πρώτη κιόλας στιγμή σε σχέση με το εμφιαλωμένο που έπινα χρόνια! Πολύ καλή εξυπηρέτηση από το κατάστημα!

Βάσω Σοφού
Φοβερά πρακτικό λόγω μεγέθους. Το σημαντικότερο είναι πως το νερό δε μυρίζει πια
Γεώργιος Μπαλαφας
Μπορεί να ξεγελάει το μέγεθος αλλά είναι τρομερό ! ευχάριστη γεύση χωρίς άσχημες μυρωδιές. Και τέρμα τα εμφιαλωμένα ! 5 αστεράκια απο εμένα !!
Άψογο διακριτικό και υπόσχεται αυτά που κάνει !

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